Ladies, I stimulate got been on a journeying to expert peel this year. Instead of caking on layers of foundation to create the "good peel effect" I stimulate got decided to stimulate got assist of my peel yesteryear using expert skincare together with of course, high lineament foundations. Previously, I would dispense 2 pumps of foundation to embrace my entire face, these days, I would utilisation a quarter of a pea size for my entire face. Whilst a quarter of a pea size of a rather average foundation wouldn't practise a whole lot for my skin. However, if it is a quality, high performing foundation, it makes a pregnant difference.
I was swept off my feet afterward using Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear (rrp $57AUD), my verdict is synonymous amongst the thousands of men together with women who stimulate got tried together with reviewed Teint Idole on Lancôme's website. This velvet matte foundation delivers together with it delivers well.
Blended |
Let's stimulate got a await at the claims earlier nosotros larn into anything else...
- 24 hr staying power
- Full coverage without discomfort, streaks or caking
- Re-touch free, smoothen gratis together with transfer proof
- Velvet Matte finish
- Available inwards twoscore shades
Now let's speak through my verdict...
- I stimulate got been testing shade 01, it's a lite olive color that is comparable to NC25.
- I would never wearable whatever makeup for 24 hours thence I was unable to practise the 24hr test, but I did the 12 threescore minutes test together with the foundation stayed position amongst a minor total of sideslip on my olfactory organ at the 10hr mark, although I rub my olfactory organ often together with I often forget I stimulate got makeup on. Nonetheless, my peel would yet await flawless.
- The consistency of the foundation is creamy but non also thick nor also runny. I utilisation Glam yesteryear Manicare's foundation brush (a fantastic brush yesteryear the way) together with it blends seamlessly.
- This foundation is indeed full coverage (buildable) together with covers redness similar a dream, but close importantly, it's unbelievably lightweight. As claimed, I didn't give away whatever discomfort, streaks or caking. Once applied, I didn't actually await similar I had foundation on my face. Just await at the earlier together with afterward photos below, I hope you, that's a quarter of a pea size.
- The complete is absolutely beautiful - velvet matte! I stimulate got dehydrated/combination peel together with this foundation sits on my peel beautifully without enhancing whatever dry out patches at whatever given time.
- There is a slight scent to the foundation together with it's pleasant!
- This is only an overall long lasting, beautiful finish, natural looking, lite weight foundation.... all inwards ane bottle.
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Before together with After Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Foundation |
After 10 hours of wear |
Products featured were provided for editorial purpose