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(photo Mario Gargiulo) |
Years ago, I constitute myself alone, broken hearted, as well as hungry inwards Naples. I was staying at my parent's empty solid inwards the middle of the summertime as well as at that topographic point was cipher to eat. I went only about the corner to purchase some tomatoes from a grocer. He asked me what I was intending to brand for lunch. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 fresh love apple tree salad? "It's the twenty-four hr menstruation earlier Ferragosto, all stores are closed. You'll never discovery whatever bread." I mumbled something nether my breath equally I slow walked away amongst my tomatoes. I was his final client as well as later on I paid, he lowered the heavy saracinesca of the shop. Then he called me back: "Signorina! Wait here." Then, he went upstairs to where he lived amongst his household unit of measurement as well as brought me dorsum 2 slices of casareccio breadstuff inwards a napkin. "You can't swallow a love apple tree salad without bread."
This is Naples.
Anni fa, mi trovai sola, sconsolata, e affamata a Napoli. Mi trovavo nella casa vuota dei miei genitori durante l'estate e non c'era niente da mangiare. Uscita di casa, sono andata alla fine della via per comprare dei pomodori dal fruttivendolo. Voleva sapere cosa intendevo cucinare. Un'insalata di pomodori? "Ma e' Ferragosto, tutti i negozi sono chiusi. Non trovera' pane." Mormorai qualcosa mentre lentamente andavo via con i miei pomodori. Ero l'ultima sua cliente, quindi abbasso' la pesante saracinesca del negozio, e mi disse: "Signorina! Aspetti qui." Poi, sali' le scale pigeon viveva con la sua famiglia e mi riporto' due fette di pane casareccio inwards un tovagliolo. "Non si puo' mica mangiare un'insalata di pomodori senza pane."
Questa e' Napoli. Sumber http://diaryofanexpatinsingapore.blogspot.com/