Photo Of The Day: Walnut Brownie July 07, 2018 photography, Singapore Just a manifestly quondam walnut brownie. One of my favorite snacks. Or dessert. Or food. Yummy! (Someday I'm gonna bake this!) Sumber Tweet Jangan sampai ketinggalan postingan-postingan terbaik dari Photo Of The Day: Walnut Brownie. Berlangganan melalui email sekarang juga: Bali Attractions BACA JUGA LAINNYA: Nighttime Photography At Marina BayYin As Well As YangActivities must do in Singapore: Welcome To SingaporeActivities must do in Singapore: Where Am I?Activities must do in Singapore: A Weekend Of FunActivities must do in Singapore: Officially A Labor HunterActivities must do in Singapore: Holland Hamlet & Due East Coast ParkActivities must do in Singapore: National Twenty-Four Hours As Well As The Hungry Ghost FestivalThingstodoinsingapore; Canon Photomarathon 2011Thingstodoinsingapore; Canon Photomarathon 2011PortraitureLessons Learned.