My niggling blood brother Julian (he's the i non wearing a schoolhouse uniform) is dorsum inwards Singapore for 2 pianoforte concerts, if you're inwards town endure certain to grab him either Dec.11th at the Arts House Singapore/raffles-place"> or Dec. twelfth at Raffles Hotel Singapore/striking-a-chord-for-life,-12-dec-2013/247581125402722">,-12-dec-2013/247581125402722.
...that's if he finishes helping amongst the Math homework.I fully expected to endure the i helping the kids inwards English linguistic communication but if I accept to attention them inwards Math too...well, that's but wrong. And amongst the 'Math parent' on a describe of piece of job concern trip, there's no improve fourth dimension for a watch from family. Forget bringing visitors to the Singapore flyer or shopping on Orchard Road., why non accept them attention the kids amongst homework instead?
And I'm non but doing this for me, it's supposedly the best jetlag cure ever!