War Memorial Park

War Memorial Park - Best Place to Travel

over the easter bank holiday weekend the beautiful grounds of kelmarsh hall innorthamptonshire played host to the first event of the countryman fairs season at kelmarsh country show the weekend was blessed with glorioussunshine that shone down

War Memorial Park

War Memorial Park, on thousands of people that flocked through the gatesto see a showcase of country life at its best from renowned field target competitions offering the largest prizes in their respective disciplines

to many have-a-go-activities whichvisitors can learn more about outdoor pursuits in the great britishcountryside the kelmarsh country show has everything youcould want from a great family day out the kelmarsh country show has a trulyinternational flavour with 360 of the world's elite airgun marksman from 11 different countries across theglobe coming together to compete in the world hunter field target championships the kelmarsh country show offers something for allfields sportsmen and women and their faithful companions andexposition

all things canine the kelmarsh country showalso hosts the great wall world series gundog championships with skinner's dog foods have-a-go gundog scurries, working test,pet dog show dog agility and the kelmarsh gundog challengethe great wall motor world series clay shooting festival offers a comprehensive range a clayshooting competitions and the first qualifying rounds for thegreat wall motor world series clay shooting championship expert tuition by qualified coaches wasalso available for those wanting to

brush up on their technique and have a go opportunities for thosenew to the sport all were provided by the british association for shooting andconservation however for those just looking for agreat relaxing family day out the kelmarshcountry show offered over 200 quality exhibition standsfor the perfect dose of retail therapy the kelmarsh folk and roots festival picnic areas, 7 feature areas, children entertainment, food festival,crafts and antique fairs

to culminate in the perfect family dayout in the countryside yes it's been a brilliant day for us and thefamily you get to bring your dog along, there's been some great acts in the main arena motorcyclists, i particularly liked the lambnational that was quite amusing very humorous and a very good take on it, it was good fun i'd definitely recommend it to have a good day out exceptionally good and some of the things and displays and that were absolutely amazing it's marvellous we're from deepest, darkest cornwall

so we love country shows we're very impressed with the 4x4s actually, i'm very tempted to get a pick-up truck then we had a fantastic time, we'd love to come along next year if we're in the area it's brilliant absolutelyfantastic atmosphere very relaxed loads to do and not enough time really we've seenabout half of it and you really enjoyed the clay pigeon shooting haven't you, yeah it's made our day hasn't it, it's great so it's a great day and the weather was good for us as well

and the foods amazing. yeah it's just a lot to do in one day so yes it's very good value for money. it's a good opportunity to get the family out and yeah there's something for everyone even if you're not necessarily into shooting, there's something if you like to fish or if you're into dogs i think for the local area its really good there's some great produce as well and some great food stalls over in other areas if you had a good working trials dog it would be a good place to bring them as well, unfortunately ours are both quite naughty so they're not allowed to enter our next event will be held in thebeautiful grounds highclere castle

home of itv's downton abbey on the 24th and 25th of may 2015. book your tickets at www.highclerecountryshow.co.uk to findout more information about all the exciting events in the countryman fairs calendar, visit www.countrymanfairs.co.uk

over the easter bank holiday weekend the beautiful grounds of kelmarsh hall innorthamptonshire played host to the first event of the countryman fairs season at kelmarsh country show the weekend was blessed with glorioussunshine that shone down

War Memorial Park

War Memorial Park, on thousands of people that flocked through the gatesto see a showcase of country life at its best from renowned field target competitions offering the largest prizes in their respective disciplines

to many have-a-go-activities whichvisitors can learn more about outdoor pursuits in the great britishcountryside the kelmarsh country show has everything youcould want from a great family day out the kelmarsh country show has a trulyinternational flavour with 360 of the world's elite airgun marksman from 11 different countries across theglobe coming together to compete in the world hunter field target championships the kelmarsh country show offers something for allfields sportsmen and women and their faithful companions andexposition

all things canine the kelmarsh country showalso hosts the great wall world series gundog championships with skinner's dog foods have-a-go gundog scurries, working test,pet dog show dog agility and the kelmarsh gundog challengethe great wall motor world series clay shooting festival offers a comprehensive range a clayshooting competitions and the first qualifying rounds for thegreat wall motor world series clay shooting championship expert tuition by qualified coaches wasalso available for those wanting to

brush up on their technique and have a go opportunities for thosenew to the sport all were provided by the british association for shooting andconservation however for those just looking for agreat relaxing family day out the kelmarshcountry show offered over 200 quality exhibition standsfor the perfect dose of retail therapy the kelmarsh folk and roots festival picnic areas, 7 feature areas, children entertainment, food festival,crafts and antique fairs

to culminate in the perfect family dayout in the countryside yes it's been a brilliant day for us and thefamily you get to bring your dog along, there's been some great acts in the main arena motorcyclists, i particularly liked the lambnational that was quite amusing very humorous and a very good take on it, it was good fun i'd definitely recommend it to have a good day out exceptionally good and some of the things and displays and that were absolutely amazing it's marvellous we're from deepest, darkest cornwall

so we love country shows we're very impressed with the 4x4s actually, i'm very tempted to get a pick-up truck then we had a fantastic time, we'd love to come along next year if we're in the area it's brilliant absolutelyfantastic atmosphere very relaxed loads to do and not enough time really we've seenabout half of it and you really enjoyed the clay pigeon shooting haven't you, yeah it's made our day hasn't it, it's great so it's a great day and the weather was good for us as well

and the foods amazing. yeah it's just a lot to do in one day so yes it's very good value for money. it's a good opportunity to get the family out and yeah there's something for everyone even if you're not necessarily into shooting, there's something if you like to fish or if you're into dogs i think for the local area its really good there's some great produce as well and some great food stalls over in other areas if you had a good working trials dog it would be a good place to bring them as well, unfortunately ours are both quite naughty so they're not allowed to enter our next event will be held in thebeautiful grounds highclere castle

home of itv's downton abbey on the 24th and 25th of may 2015. book your tickets at www.highclerecountryshow.co.uk to findout more information about all the exciting events in the countryman fairs calendar, visit www.countrymanfairs.co.uk

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