Wild Wild Wet Singapore - Best Place to Travel
dion: okay, so before your climb, how do you feel? vivian: i am very very very scared. dion: why do you feel very scared, it's very safe. vivian: i don't know, like i don't think i have the courage to jump down. that's why. dion: then why are you doing it now? just now you so persistent you don't want to do.
Wild Wild Wet Singapore, vivian: because like they convince me, a lot of people tell me to do it. then like i very touched ah dion: okay, all the best!vivian: thank you dion: i will take your reaction later.vivian: okay dion: okay come, say
vivian: no i don't want. dion: you never even jump, vivian. how do you feel now? vivian: i am disappointed in myself. vivian: i didn't get out of my comfort zone.dion: before this i got a evidence. dion: to say that you are motivated by your friends. vivian: but like i don't know eh. vivian: when i go up like it's like my heart beat is louder than all your voices you know vivian: it like overwhelms me. lyon: do you think if you were given a chance next time, do you think you will do it?
vivian: nope, nope, nope vivian: i am so sorrydion: but it was just 2 steps away. vivian: i don't know eh. my fear of heights. tsk. sorry... dion: terrible. remember this face people. vivian, her name is called vivian. dion: hpmh! vivian: no stop it! dion: kayaking! soomie: kayaking! junde: i promote nnc.
junde: n-n-c! dion: i help you do audio. sheryl: my eye very pain! sheryl: fucking dion lor. keeping splashing water at my eye dion: it's my love ashfar: i think you need to wait for them to go up first eh ashfar: i think you need to wait for them to get out daren: no don't need one. siuli: you know what happen to me? i came up i see the height i went back down.
dion: you want to hold it and jump?sheryl: can? holly shit i very scared. all: take picture! take picture!dion: why you all don't want to go up? dion: f**k sia this guy brandon: wake me up when she jump sheauqian & siuli: ahhhhhhhh! sheauqian: yeahhh!siuli: hahahaha! yeahh! siuli: bah bah bah! bah bah bah! bah bah bah! bah bah bah! kelly: omg, look so... siuli: freak, don't close up. don't want close up! i don't like close up!
siuli: i don't like close up! damn ugly dion: hello!rachel: hello! dion: nnc, camp fire night.rachel: last night here. dion: at?rachel: bintan! dion: loola resort la. (which is the same...) rachel: oh ya, hehehe dion: i got sunburn, i look very red. rachel: okay, so today i rock-climbed, and then we did the that one. dion: you rock-climbed? you got try?rachel: ya i got try.
rachel: and i went up all the way! *thumbs up* dion: you try that one, that one is what? kayaking? rachel: no, the... this one dion: eehhh, skylinerachel: ya, skyline. yup dion: let's go join them dion: our t-shirt is very nice. rachel: yadion: better than... rachel: last year... like honestlydion: honestly... rachel: *singing daddy*
rachel: i scared i cock-eye sia. keep looking at the thing like that. dion: look at rae! her face so cute, like a cherry, like me! germaine: pimple!dion: sexy pimple! breath campfire performance! dion: shag 1, shag 2, shag 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 dion: beautiful face all: eeewwww! dion: i say face, not faces! dion: i'm like laughing at people's sufferings sia. confirm everyone hate me uh.
dion: xiao gou (small dog) dion: yeahhhhhhh! kelden: f**k... david: hello... david: up close and personal ellen: is that dion's one?sheryl: ya dion: yeahhhhhh! too good looking! yuhhorng: beautiful beautifulkelly: what the f**k... ehhhh.... dion: ahhall: ahhh omg.
kelly: wow, like a monster! dion: bye bye loola resort! tzewei: byebye!! kelly: ashfar, brandon, who else? ili, syafiqah yuhhorng: who is lili? i heard lili.kelly: you don't know who ili? dion: one more both: soomie dion: pass away bitch yuhhorng: dion suck, dion suck, dion sucktzewei: dion suck
kelly: dion is the best! dion: we are at the ferry terminal going back to singapore. dion: yeah, don't have to see this guy anymore. dion: don't have to say hi to him in school. blah blah blah brandon: byebye! ili: bye! dion: they are scared of me taking photos of them when they are sleeping right? dion: it looks like y'all are purposely avoiding me

dion: okay, so before your climb, how do you feel? vivian: i am very very very scared. dion: why do you feel very scared, it's very safe. vivian: i don't know, like i don't think i have the courage to jump down. that's why. dion: then why are you doing it now? just now you so persistent you don't want to do.

Wild Wild Wet Singapore, vivian: because like they convince me, a lot of people tell me to do it. then like i very touched ah dion: okay, all the best!vivian: thank you dion: i will take your reaction later.vivian: okay dion: okay come, say
vivian: no i don't want. dion: you never even jump, vivian. how do you feel now? vivian: i am disappointed in myself. vivian: i didn't get out of my comfort zone.dion: before this i got a evidence. dion: to say that you are motivated by your friends. vivian: but like i don't know eh. vivian: when i go up like it's like my heart beat is louder than all your voices you know vivian: it like overwhelms me. lyon: do you think if you were given a chance next time, do you think you will do it?
vivian: nope, nope, nope vivian: i am so sorrydion: but it was just 2 steps away. vivian: i don't know eh. my fear of heights. tsk. sorry... dion: terrible. remember this face people. vivian, her name is called vivian. dion: hpmh! vivian: no stop it! dion: kayaking! soomie: kayaking! junde: i promote nnc.
junde: n-n-c! dion: i help you do audio. sheryl: my eye very pain! sheryl: fucking dion lor. keeping splashing water at my eye dion: it's my love ashfar: i think you need to wait for them to go up first eh ashfar: i think you need to wait for them to get out daren: no don't need one. siuli: you know what happen to me? i came up i see the height i went back down.
dion: you want to hold it and jump?sheryl: can? holly shit i very scared. all: take picture! take picture!dion: why you all don't want to go up? dion: f**k sia this guy brandon: wake me up when she jump sheauqian & siuli: ahhhhhhhh! sheauqian: yeahhh!siuli: hahahaha! yeahh! siuli: bah bah bah! bah bah bah! bah bah bah! bah bah bah! kelly: omg, look so... siuli: freak, don't close up. don't want close up! i don't like close up!
siuli: i don't like close up! damn ugly dion: hello!rachel: hello! dion: nnc, camp fire night.rachel: last night here. dion: at?rachel: bintan! dion: loola resort la. (which is the same...) rachel: oh ya, hehehe dion: i got sunburn, i look very red. rachel: okay, so today i rock-climbed, and then we did the that one. dion: you rock-climbed? you got try?rachel: ya i got try.
rachel: and i went up all the way! *thumbs up* dion: you try that one, that one is what? kayaking? rachel: no, the... this one dion: eehhh, skylinerachel: ya, skyline. yup dion: let's go join them dion: our t-shirt is very nice. rachel: yadion: better than... rachel: last year... like honestlydion: honestly... rachel: *singing daddy*
rachel: i scared i cock-eye sia. keep looking at the thing like that. dion: look at rae! her face so cute, like a cherry, like me! germaine: pimple!dion: sexy pimple! breath campfire performance! dion: shag 1, shag 2, shag 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 dion: beautiful face all: eeewwww! dion: i say face, not faces! dion: i'm like laughing at people's sufferings sia. confirm everyone hate me uh.
dion: xiao gou (small dog) dion: yeahhhhhhh! kelden: f**k... david: hello... david: up close and personal ellen: is that dion's one?sheryl: ya dion: yeahhhhhh! too good looking! yuhhorng: beautiful beautifulkelly: what the f**k... ehhhh.... dion: ahhall: ahhh omg.
kelly: wow, like a monster! dion: bye bye loola resort! tzewei: byebye!! kelly: ashfar, brandon, who else? ili, syafiqah yuhhorng: who is lili? i heard lili.kelly: you don't know who ili? dion: one more both: soomie dion: pass away bitch yuhhorng: dion suck, dion suck, dion sucktzewei: dion suck
kelly: dion is the best! dion: we are at the ferry terminal going back to singapore. dion: yeah, don't have to see this guy anymore. dion: don't have to say hi to him in school. blah blah blah brandon: byebye! ili: bye! dion: they are scared of me taking photos of them when they are sleeping right? dion: it looks like y'all are purposely avoiding me

dion: okay, so before your climb, how do you feel? vivian: i am very very very scared. dion: why do you feel very scared, it's very safe. vivian: i don't know, like i don't think i have the courage to jump down. that's why. dion: then why are you doing it now? just now you so persistent you don't want to do.
Wild Wild Wet Singapore, vivian: because like they convince me, a lot of people tell me to do it. then like i very touched ah dion: okay, all the best!vivian: thank you dion: i will take your reaction later.vivian: okay dion: okay come, say
vivian: no i don't want. dion: you never even jump, vivian. how do you feel now? vivian: i am disappointed in myself. vivian: i didn't get out of my comfort zone.dion: before this i got a evidence. dion: to say that you are motivated by your friends. vivian: but like i don't know eh. vivian: when i go up like it's like my heart beat is louder than all your voices you know vivian: it like overwhelms me. lyon: do you think if you were given a chance next time, do you think you will do it?
vivian: nope, nope, nope vivian: i am so sorrydion: but it was just 2 steps away. vivian: i don't know eh. my fear of heights. tsk. sorry... dion: terrible. remember this face people. vivian, her name is called vivian. dion: hpmh! vivian: no stop it! dion: kayaking! soomie: kayaking! junde: i promote nnc.
junde: n-n-c! dion: i help you do audio. sheryl: my eye very pain! sheryl: fucking dion lor. keeping splashing water at my eye dion: it's my love ashfar: i think you need to wait for them to go up first eh ashfar: i think you need to wait for them to get out daren: no don't need one. siuli: you know what happen to me? i came up i see the height i went back down.
dion: you want to hold it and jump?sheryl: can? holly shit i very scared. all: take picture! take picture!dion: why you all don't want to go up? dion: f**k sia this guy brandon: wake me up when she jump sheauqian & siuli: ahhhhhhhh! sheauqian: yeahhh!siuli: hahahaha! yeahh! siuli: bah bah bah! bah bah bah! bah bah bah! bah bah bah! kelly: omg, look so... siuli: freak, don't close up. don't want close up! i don't like close up!
siuli: i don't like close up! damn ugly dion: hello!rachel: hello! dion: nnc, camp fire night.rachel: last night here. dion: at?rachel: bintan! dion: loola resort la. (which is the same...) rachel: oh ya, hehehe dion: i got sunburn, i look very red. rachel: okay, so today i rock-climbed, and then we did the that one. dion: you rock-climbed? you got try?rachel: ya i got try.
rachel: and i went up all the way! *thumbs up* dion: you try that one, that one is what? kayaking? rachel: no, the... this one dion: eehhh, skylinerachel: ya, skyline. yup dion: let's go join them dion: our t-shirt is very nice. rachel: yadion: better than... rachel: last year... like honestlydion: honestly... rachel: *singing daddy*
rachel: i scared i cock-eye sia. keep looking at the thing like that. dion: look at rae! her face so cute, like a cherry, like me! germaine: pimple!dion: sexy pimple! breath campfire performance! dion: shag 1, shag 2, shag 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 dion: beautiful face all: eeewwww! dion: i say face, not faces! dion: i'm like laughing at people's sufferings sia. confirm everyone hate me uh.
dion: xiao gou (small dog) dion: yeahhhhhhh! kelden: f**k... david: hello... david: up close and personal ellen: is that dion's one?sheryl: ya dion: yeahhhhhh! too good looking! yuhhorng: beautiful beautifulkelly: what the f**k... ehhhh.... dion: ahhall: ahhh omg.
kelly: wow, like a monster! dion: bye bye loola resort! tzewei: byebye!! kelly: ashfar, brandon, who else? ili, syafiqah yuhhorng: who is lili? i heard lili.kelly: you don't know who ili? dion: one more both: soomie dion: pass away bitch yuhhorng: dion suck, dion suck, dion sucktzewei: dion suck
kelly: dion is the best! dion: we are at the ferry terminal going back to singapore. dion: yeah, don't have to see this guy anymore. dion: don't have to say hi to him in school. blah blah blah brandon: byebye! ili: bye! dion: they are scared of me taking photos of them when they are sleeping right? dion: it looks like y'all are purposely avoiding me

Wild Wild Wet Singapore, vivian: because like they convince me, a lot of people tell me to do it. then like i very touched ah dion: okay, all the best!vivian: thank you dion: i will take your reaction later.vivian: okay dion: okay come, say
vivian: no i don't want. dion: you never even jump, vivian. how do you feel now? vivian: i am disappointed in myself. vivian: i didn't get out of my comfort zone.dion: before this i got a evidence. dion: to say that you are motivated by your friends. vivian: but like i don't know eh. vivian: when i go up like it's like my heart beat is louder than all your voices you know vivian: it like overwhelms me. lyon: do you think if you were given a chance next time, do you think you will do it?
vivian: nope, nope, nope vivian: i am so sorrydion: but it was just 2 steps away. vivian: i don't know eh. my fear of heights. tsk. sorry... dion: terrible. remember this face people. vivian, her name is called vivian. dion: hpmh! vivian: no stop it! dion: kayaking! soomie: kayaking! junde: i promote nnc.
junde: n-n-c! dion: i help you do audio. sheryl: my eye very pain! sheryl: fucking dion lor. keeping splashing water at my eye dion: it's my love ashfar: i think you need to wait for them to go up first eh ashfar: i think you need to wait for them to get out daren: no don't need one. siuli: you know what happen to me? i came up i see the height i went back down.
dion: you want to hold it and jump?sheryl: can? holly shit i very scared. all: take picture! take picture!dion: why you all don't want to go up? dion: f**k sia this guy brandon: wake me up when she jump sheauqian & siuli: ahhhhhhhh! sheauqian: yeahhh!siuli: hahahaha! yeahh! siuli: bah bah bah! bah bah bah! bah bah bah! bah bah bah! kelly: omg, look so... siuli: freak, don't close up. don't want close up! i don't like close up!
siuli: i don't like close up! damn ugly dion: hello!rachel: hello! dion: nnc, camp fire night.rachel: last night here. dion: at?rachel: bintan! dion: loola resort la. (which is the same...) rachel: oh ya, hehehe dion: i got sunburn, i look very red. rachel: okay, so today i rock-climbed, and then we did the that one. dion: you rock-climbed? you got try?rachel: ya i got try.
rachel: and i went up all the way! *thumbs up* dion: you try that one, that one is what? kayaking? rachel: no, the... this one dion: eehhh, skylinerachel: ya, skyline. yup dion: let's go join them dion: our t-shirt is very nice. rachel: yadion: better than... rachel: last year... like honestlydion: honestly... rachel: *singing daddy*
rachel: i scared i cock-eye sia. keep looking at the thing like that. dion: look at rae! her face so cute, like a cherry, like me! germaine: pimple!dion: sexy pimple! breath campfire performance! dion: shag 1, shag 2, shag 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 dion: beautiful face all: eeewwww! dion: i say face, not faces! dion: i'm like laughing at people's sufferings sia. confirm everyone hate me uh.
dion: xiao gou (small dog) dion: yeahhhhhhh! kelden: f**k... david: hello... david: up close and personal ellen: is that dion's one?sheryl: ya dion: yeahhhhhh! too good looking! yuhhorng: beautiful beautifulkelly: what the f**k... ehhhh.... dion: ahhall: ahhh omg.
kelly: wow, like a monster! dion: bye bye loola resort! tzewei: byebye!! kelly: ashfar, brandon, who else? ili, syafiqah yuhhorng: who is lili? i heard lili.kelly: you don't know who ili? dion: one more both: soomie dion: pass away bitch yuhhorng: dion suck, dion suck, dion sucktzewei: dion suck
kelly: dion is the best! dion: we are at the ferry terminal going back to singapore. dion: yeah, don't have to see this guy anymore. dion: don't have to say hi to him in school. blah blah blah brandon: byebye! ili: bye! dion: they are scared of me taking photos of them when they are sleeping right? dion: it looks like y'all are purposely avoiding me