As I said my Mom is e'er joking. She thinks she's a born comedian or something in addition to she's e'er making jokes. She tin scare me too. Playing cover in addition to seek amongst her tin move a real terrifying experience. I had to fifty-fifty warn my fiddling sis that she would actually scare her therefore nosotros needed to move careful. Like the fourth dimension Eliot in addition to I hid nether my bed. She yelled from a real faraway place: "ready or non hither I come."
We idea nosotros had enough of time. But she must bring whipped off her super loud slippers in addition to run at the speed of low-cal all the means into my room, gingerly climbing onto my bed until she was correct where the pillow was in addition to therefore out of nowhere she popped her caput downward at us in addition to said: "boo!" We nearly had a midpoint attack.