Destinations must visit in Singapore: Introducing Mr. Singapore

 Swimming lessons convey never been as well as then interesting Destinations must visit in Singapore: Introducing Mr. <a href=Singapore" border="0" height="300" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5670241168952500370" src="" style="float: left; height: 300px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 0px; width: 400px;" width="400" />
Eliot as well as Alexander alongside Mr. Singapore himself
By pop demand, hither is a photograph of my kids' swimming coach: the indomitable, incredibly patient Nelson Lee.

Not your average swimming coach, Nelson, is the 2009 Mr. Singapore winner, Mr. Universe finalist, as well as Model of the Year. Swimming lessons convey never been as well as then interesting.
But seriously, if y'all are thinking of booking him for yourself (I hateful for your kids, sorry-Freudian slip), y'all may contact me inwards private. In the meantime, these are 5 things y'all should know close Nelson:

1) He has an Australian accent.
2) He attends red-carpet events inwards Singapore
3) He has helped Alexander operate past times away a killer freestyle.
4) He is a scientist (no, seriously).
5) And, most importantly, he gives out lollipops at the destination of class.


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